A Quiet Place: Day One
In the film “A Quiet Place: Day One,” the bustling city of New York is suddenly thrown into chaos as alien creatures arrive and begin hunting humans who make any noise. Amidst this terrifying situation, a brave woman named Sammy finds herself in a desperate struggle for survival. With the creatures attacking anyone who makes a sound, Sammy must navigate the dangerous streets of the city in silence, constantly on edge and facing unimaginable threats at every turn. As the tension and fear escalate, Sammy must use all her wits and strength to outsmart the deadly creatures and stay alive in this harrowing new reality. “A Quiet Place: Day One” takes viewers on a heart-pounding journey through a world where silence is the key to survival, and every noise could mean the difference between life and death.
Director:Guy Trevellyan, Michael Sarnoski, Phil Booth
Stars:Alex Wolff, Cain Aiden, Djimon Hounsou, Elijah Ungvary, Jennifer Woodward, Joseph Quinn, Lupita Nyong'o
Country:United States of America