A gripping chronicle of three couples over the course of one fateful night in an LA restaurant named Collide. Hunter finds himself on an awkward blind date with the captivating Tamira, while a busboy and his waitress girlfriend hope to score a big payday, and outside, Peter sits in his car observing his wife Angie meet with the restaurant’s manager. Though all strangers, their stories are weaved together as they hurl towards an explosive end.
Director:Anthony Arrigo, Frederick Gourgue, Ilise McGraw, Javier Montoya, Jordan Melendez, Mukunda Michael Dewil
Stars:Aisha Dee, David Cade, David James Elliott, Drea de Matteo, Dylan Flashner, Jim Gaffigan, Kat Graham, Paul Ben-Victor, Ryan Phillippe, Wilson Bethel
Country:United States of America